Spa Day – TRYP Spa @ TRYP By Wyndham, Abu Dhabi

As adults in this current day fast world, we , the “hustlers”, the “9 to 5-ers”, the avid “over-workers”, tend to accumulate a lot of stress in our lives. Our fast lives have stock piled on a lot of stress from our day to day whereabouts, and very often this stress manifests itself into our bodies. We’re always busy, we have no time for exercise, we are too tired to cook healthy meals, we begin our busy days with the least nutritious kinds of breakfasts and so on. This list of unhealthy habits we’ve developed in this fast paced world is literally never ending.

Soon, these unhealthy habits and our stressful lives, begin to pose challenges in our day to day lives. Challenges ranging from something as trivial as minor body aches to something as severe as contracting diabetes, cholesterol or other stress related ailments. I often wonder, in a slightly melancholic way, about how the generations before us, have been so much stronger than us. In my case, my parents who are now in their fifties, occasionally are bothered by joint aches, back aches etc., but my grandparents (especially my maternal grandmother, who passed away very recently from Covid-19) were even healthier up until their seventies. And then there’s me, not even thirty, but already complaining of regular back aches, knee joint pains, and tense neck and shoulder muscles almost every single day.

So, one fine day during my meaningless internet scrolling, I suddenly got this urge to get on Groupon ( a local voucher /discount provider platform), and I booked myself a spa appointment. A forty-five minutes spa session for one person, at the TRYP SPA, at the TRYP BY WYNDHAM HOTEL in Abu Dhabi, and today, nearly a month after buying the voucher I finally redeemed it, and I’m here penning down this experience of mine from my spa day.

This is not my life’s first spa experience though. I had gotten myself one previously, in Singapore on a girls trip with two of my close friends back in 2016. However, I do not remember walking out as satisfied as I did after today’s session. In fact, if I remember right, the session in Singapore had left me feeling worse, than what I had felt when I entered the Spa.

But today’s experience was great. The therapist was quite professional, knew what she was doing. I had actually read quite a lot of good reviews on Groupon about the therapists at TRYP Spa. I generally do read a lot of reviews before making up my mind on purchases for experiences such as these. I also put up a review on Groupon, so it can reach a lot of prospective buyers out there.

It was a 45 minute session for the whole body. I especially loved how she targeted my shoulders, neck and back (my most problematic and painful areas). It’s almost as if she knew that’s where the muscles are most sore, and most knotted. Perhaps as a massage therapist they actually know, that’s how they are able to relieve you from a lot of built up pain in those muscles. The amount of pressure she applied was perfect – not too less, but not a lot either, just the perfect medium level of pressure (which she also mentioned at the beginning).

There’s certainly something unique about the relief a massage can give you. It is sometimes painful, but it is the kind of pain that brings about comfort and ease to your soreness. I cannot simply express how good I felt as I walked out after the session. My neck, shoulders and my upper and lower back feel great. Today’s experience has just opened my mind to new avenues in terms of self care. I surely will treat myself, in the future to more and more spa treatments. This is just the beginning.

With this being said, I also must reiterate the fact that we as millennials ought to take more care of ourselves. Health is the ultimate wealth. Spa sessions do help to a great extent, but there’s a lot more we must be doing on a regular basis to care of our bodies, find time for exercise or movement and feed our bodies healthier, nutritious whole foods. A healthy body is equal to a healthy mind which further is equal to a happier life after all !

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